Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Treating Labradors with Arthritis or Labrador Joint Pain

Treating Arthritis in Labradors

 if you have a Labrador arthritis problem, you know you'll do anything to relieve your labrador's joint pain. Not just a problem in older Labrador Retrievers, arthritis can affect labs of all ages, especially in winter.

Causes of arthritis in Labrador Retrievers

As your labrador's joints age, they are subject to a certain amount of wear and tear.   The hip joint particular takes a lot of wear in Labrador retreivers, as it is in the upper end of the body’s major muscle ‘power house’ for movement.

This wear and tear in the joint causes the pain and inflammation that we call labrador arthritis. Whilst a certain amount of wear and tear always takes place,  severe arthritis is not inevitable.   And there are steps you can take to help prevent your dog getting arthritic and stiff in his old age.

Preventing arthritis in Labrador's through weight control

Body weight is a massive factor in arthritis for Labradors.  Slimmer Labradors are less likely to get arthritis than fat ones. If you're looking for the best way to treat athritis in Labrador Retreivers, then prevention is by far the best.

Glucosamine and arthritis

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that promotes the repair of joint cartilage in Labradors.  Studies in show that   glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate together will help reduce pain and swelling and may help repair damaged cartilage in Labrador Retreivers.

You can order dog glucosamine online for Labradors from leading online pet shops. Do not use human supplements ever for Labradors. There are also various other very good supplements for labradors which can assist with joint pain.

Follow these simple suggestions and Labrador joint pain will be well managed. While we can never cure joint pain in Labradors, you can give your Labrador joint pain relief for a better wellbeing.

1 comment:

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